How a Post interacts with its community determines the relevancy of the VFW. Someone once said, "People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” The VFW and its Auxiliary’s ability to impact veterans, youth, political issues, patriotism, civic pride, volunteerism, and almost anything you can name, is directly dependent upon the Post being recognized as a caring and involved participant in the community. The impact on the community is immeasurable. The benefit to the Post is new members, more effective fundraising, greater participation in events and tremendous goodwill. The Post is, for most Americans, the only thing they know about the VFW. Make sure those Americans in your community have a favorable opinion of our great organization and our veterans.
District Chairman
Rob Hernandez
Post 2828 - Redondo Beach
Auxiliary members are not ‘one-dimensional’ in our desire to help people -- we are not focused
solely on veterans’ issues. We take part in many types of volunteer activities to benefit our
communities. This Program acknowledges the generous sharing spirits our Auxiliary members
have. It provides a means for members to fully report on those activities as we volunteer our
time and talents by partnering with local groups and organizations to improve the lives of the
people and institutions in our communities.
When you do volunteer work for another organization while representing the Auxiliary, you shine
a positive light on our organization and keep us relevant and visible in the community. There are
many ‘up sides’ to volunteering in your community, including helping others, learning new skills
or mentoring others, meeting new people, developing a stronger sense of purpose. Auxiliary
Outreach projects can be performed by people of any age, skill set, or ability level, benefit any
group of people such as children, senior citizens, and those with disabilities, benefit animals, the
environment, and public spaces, and be done in communities of all types and sizes. These
projects can include the VFW. The possibilities are almost endless.
District Auxiliary Chairman
Alberta Cummings
Post 2122 Aux - Inglewood